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Events between art and science on biodiversity and migration


PROMOTERS > Ente Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara - SPRAR/GUS - Senza Confini Di Pelle

LEADER > Senza Confini Di Pelle



Ente Parco Nazionale dell'Asinara
Centro Studi Fauna (Porto Torres)
SPRAR/GUS (Sassari)
Deborah Ricciu - Espandere Orizzonti (Olbia - Kampala)
Parabatula (Sassari)
Meridianozero (Sassari)
Cult (Alghero)
S'ala (Sassari)
Tusitala (Cagliari)
Università degli Studi di Cagliari - Dipartimento di Lettere, Lingue e Beni Culturali
Università degli Studi di Sassari - Dipartimento di Architettura, Design e Urbanistica


Kiwi (Rosarno, RC)
Artistica Music & Show SCpa (Bra, CN)
MCF Belfioredanza (Torino)
Stalkerteatro (Torino)
Medu - Medici per i diritti umani (Roma)


CCNN / Centre Chorégraphique National de Nantes
Dance Theatre Comma8 (Vilnius)
Det Stille Teateret (Oslo)
Skisser I Bevegelse (Hamar)
Living Theater (USA)


OVERLAP is a multi-year (2019-2024) multidisciplinary research project that investigates the overlap of the migratory routes of birds and men.
Specifically, the routes connecting the Mediterranean sea with central Africa and northern Europe are taken into consideration.
From a first reading it can be seen how the maps developed by ISPRA (Institute of Environmental Research), used at the Fauna Observatory of the Asinara National Park where the routes of migratory birds between Africa and Europe are detected, coincide almost totally with the maps drawn up by Medu (Doctors for Human Rights) which show the routes of the people who move from Central African countries to Europe.
This coincidence reveals much more than a simple graphic overlay: it highlights a biological aspect of migration that completely goes beyond the political dimension.

The project intends to examine the overlapping of the maps described above to deepen the relationship between Migration and Biodiversity, or how this relationship produces a mutual modification also based on the concept of Residence.
If, from a purely biological point of view, biodiversity is the formal richness of a species capable of creating a balance within an ecosystem thanks to the relationships they create, what relationship exists between the residential and migratory aspects of a given species?

The multi-year project plans to produce the following results:

- Over trekking (1 June 2019 - Asinara):
The first result produced by the workshop is a performance event open to the public, an itinerant performance in the Asinara Park lasting about 2 hours with scientific interventions, dance, narration. The performance is created and interpreted by the working group (teachers and artists) including the workshop participants (refugees, asylum seekers, young people, students, performers).

- Exhibition of visual and performative art (2020 - 2024):
We All Are B is the exhibition inspired by the conceptual suggestions of Overlap's research. The exhibition is composed of a series of works of different languages including photos videos, installations, sculptures and performances. The works are located in different museums and art galleries. The exhibition is in collaboration with the COSMO-MED project and with the Tusitala cultural association.

- Video Documentaries (2020 - 2024):
Workshop documentaries with interviews with participants and scenes from the various activities. They will be projected in different national and international locations and included in the exhibition We All Are B.

- Dance show and performance(2020 - 2024):
Elaborated with some workshop participants including some foreign guests, presented in Sardinia (Porto Torres, Sassari, Alghero Cagliari), Italy, France, Norway and Lithuania. The shows born from the themes elaborated during the workshop and interpreted by some of the participants. The shows are in collaboration with CCNN / Center Chorégraphique National de Nantes (France), Living Theater (USA), Senza Confini Di Pelle (Sassari) and S'ALA (Sassari).

- Scientific articles and pubblications (2020 - 2024):
Published in sector magazines and officially presented in Alghero, Cagliari, Sassari, Nantes, Vilnius, Oslo, Rosarno and Turin. The scientific results will be presented at the Universities of Sassari and Cagliari by the teachers Silvia Serreli (Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning), Raffaele Cattedra (Historical, Philosophical, Pedagogical and Psychological Sciences), through an inter-university conference. The project intends to present scientific results not only in academia but also in other locations with the support of the partner network. Some monographic pubblications will be produced.

2019 is dedicated to the construction of the partner network, the creation of a multidisciplinary workshop to research thematic materials and the creation of moments of sharing some results in the form of a study with the public.

2020 is dedicated to the realization of the results in their complete form and to a first moment of sharing with the public.

2021 is dedicated to the dissemination of the results through the international partner network.

The three-year period 2022-2024 provides for the consolidation of the methodology, the search for new partners, the internationalization of research and the production of results.



1. Workshop (May 27 - June 1)
The multidisciplinary residential workshop at the Asinara Park lasts one week.
The workshop is held by a group of 11 scientists and artists from different disciplines: ornithology, architecture, geography, photography, dance, literature, theater.
The working group is composed as follows:

Cinzia Atzeni (Geography - University of Cagliari)
Raffaele Cattedra (Geography - University of Cagliari)
Elisa Ferrari (Dance - CCNN Nantes National Choreographic Center)
Gianluca Gaias (Geography - University of Cagliari)
Rosi Giua (Photography - Tusitala)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Danilo Pisu (Ornithology - Centro Studi Fauna)
Margherita Riva (Visual arts - Tusitala)
Silvia Serreli (Landscapes - University of Sassari)
Valentina Solinas (Dance - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Tom Walker (Theater - Living Theater)

The working group is joined by a documentary filmmaker (Marco Iozzo), a musician (Antonio Baldinu), two representatives of the Gus of Sassari and 7 participants among refugees and asylum seekers from the local SPRARs, young people, university students, researchers, actors, dancers . The investigation theme is used as a starting point to elaborate the workshop contents through the direct involvement of the body, using observation as a privileged investigation tool.
The exchange of practices of different disciplines and individual experiences will be the methodology for research development.
The workshop will have Asinara island as its backdrop and will involve its participants for 8 hours a day, at different times and places on the island.

2. Performative, exhibition and scientific events (June - November)

- Over trekking (1 June 2019 - Asinara):
The first result produced by the workshop is a performance event open to the public, an itinerant performance in the Asinara Park lasting about 2 hours with scientific interventions, dance, narration. The performance is created and interpreted by the working group (teachers and artists) including the workshop participants (refugees, asylum seekers, young people, students, performers).

Participants in the performance Overtrekking: Cinzia Atzeni, Gabriele Bennati, Mamadou Barry, Raffaele Cattedra, Bakary Dembele, Elisa Ferrari, Gianluca Gaias, Rosi Giua, Erica Lucchi, Dario La Stella, Margherita Riva, Silvia Serreli, Boubacar Sissoko, Makamba Sissoko, Siranding Mady Sissoko, Valentina Solinas, Francesco Squarotti, Desmond Sylvester, Tom Walker

- Word Refugee Day (20 June - Sassari):
Photo exhibition and documentary preview at K4U in via G. Spano 7. Performance of dancetheater with live music in Piazza d'Italia.

- Cosmo-med (17/20 October - Cagliari):
Traces of Cosmopolitanism around the Mediterranean. The perception of being citizens of the world.
A project organized by the Department of Letters, Languages and Cultural Heritage of the University of Cagliari, with the Scientific Coordination of Raffaele Cattedra and the Curatorship of Efisio Carbone. During the conference/exhibition a dancetheater workshop and a performance was created under the direction of Thomas Walker, Dario La Stella and Valentina Solinas. COSMO-MED web page.

- Urban Diversities and Landscapes in (e)Motion (25 Ottobre - Alghero):
International conference organized by the Department of Architecture, Design and Urban Planning of the University of Sassari, with the Scientific Coordination of Silvia Serreli. Scientific speech and dancetheater performance by Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas and Thomas Walker.


Project Planning, Organization, Administration, Coordination and Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas

Press Office: Rossella Porcheddu










1. Workshop / Direction Cabin (16/17 July - Porto Torres and Asinara)
Workshop / Direction Cabin at the headquarters of the Asinara Park Authority in Porto Torres and at the Park on the Asinara Island. The working group developed the project themes and coordinated the 2020 actions. Participated:

Cinzia Atzeni (Geography - University ofi Cagliari)
Raffaele Cattedra (Geography - University ofi Cagliari)
Bakary Coulibaly (Urban Plan - University of Sassari)
Gianluca Gaias (Geography - University ofi Cagliari)
Vittorio Gazale (Biology - Direttore Ente Parco)
Rosi Giua (Photography - Tusitala)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Marirosa Martinelli (Biology - Parco Regionale di Porto Conte)
Danilo Pisu (Ornithology - Centro Studi Fauna)
Silvia Serreli (Landscapes - University of Sassari)
Siranding Mady Sissoko (Urban Plan - University of Sassari)
Valentina Solinas (Dancetheater - Senza Confini Di Pelle)


2. Performative, exhibition and scientific events (September - November)

- We All Are B (26 September / 3 November - MACC Museum of Contemporary Art in Calasetta and CULT di Alghero):
We All Are B is the exhibition of visual and performing arts of Overlap. The exhibition has its own conceptual independence which feeds on the results obtained from the workshops. Due to its conceptual nature it is an exhibition located in two different sites simultaneously: the MACC Museum of Contemporary Art in Calasetta and the CULT gallery in Alghero. The works of the exhibition are distributed in these two spaces, in order to see it entirely, the public must "migrate" between the south and north of Sardinia.

- Web Conference (November - Park Authority of Asinara):
A Web Conference on Overlap project organized and broadcasted by Park Authority of Asinara. Speakers:
Raffaele Cattedra (Geography - University ofi Cagliari)
Vittorio Gazale (Biology - Director of the Park Authority of Asinara)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Danilo Pisu (Ornithology - Centro Studi Fauna)
Silvia Serreli (Landscapes - University of Sassari)
Valentina Solinas (Dancetheater - Senza Confini Di Pelle)

The Web Conference is visible live on the FB page of the Park Authority and subsequently archived on the Authority's social channels.


Project Planning, Organization, Administration, Coordination and Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas

Press Office: Rossella Porcheddu






1. Workshop (April - September)

- Danza and Performing art creative residency (April - September)
4 creative dance and performing art residencies have been realized between Sassari, Turin and Asinara island (IT). The residencies have produced the final 3-years-long project show named "174 Rivoluzioni Intorno al Sole".

- Creative Residency of Videodance (May)
A creative videodance residency is been realized at Bosa (IT), with the curatorship of Valentina Piredda-Sardinia. The videodance created named "NEST" is been projected by the Casa Deriu Museum in May 19 in the frame of the exhibition Austriamentis.

- Workshop (June 10-13)
Presso By the Asinara National Parck, the work group has developped the project themes, coordinating the 2021 actions and realizing 4 multidisciplinary workshops. The work group was composed by:

Claudia Adragna (Dance - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Cinzia Atzeni (Geography - UNICA)
Ivonne Belleo (Dance - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Raffaele Cattedra (Geography - UNICA)
Bakary Coulibaly (Urban Plan- UNISS)
Gianluca Gaias (Geography - UNICA)
Vittorio Gazale (Biology - Asinara National Park Director)
Rosi Giua (Photography - Tusitala)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Valentina Piredda-Sardinia (Visual art - Galleria CULT)
Silvia Serreli (Landscape - UNISS)
Siranding Mady Sissoko (Urban Plan - UNISS)
Valentina Solinas (Dance Theater- Senza Confini Di Pelle)


2. Performing, Exhibiting and Scientific Events (September - November)

- Video Projection (May 19 / September 5)
Il The May 19 by the Casa Deriu Museum of Bosa (IT) is been projected the videodance NEST in the frame of the exhibition Austriamentis curated by Valentina Piredda-Sardinia. The September 5 by the MUT Museum of Tonnara of Stintino is been projected the videodance Vanishing Point iin the frame of the exhibition We All Are B.


- Visual and Performing art exhibition (August 13/September 12)
We All Are B is the visual and performing art exhibition of Overlap. The exhibition has an own conceptual independence that is fed by the achieved workshop results. The exhibition is been part set by MUT Museum of Tonnara of Stintino and is been part set by Casa Manno Museum of Alghero.

Curatorship: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Curatorship consultation: Valentina Piredda-Sardinia
Work group opera: Claudia Adragna, Cinzia Atzeni, Ivonne Bello, Gabriele Bennati, Mamadou Barry, Raffaele Cattedra, Bakary Coulibaly, Bakary Dembele, Elisa Ferrari, Gianluca Gaias, Rosi Giua, Marco Iozzo, Erica Lucchi, Dario La Stella, Valentina Piredda-Sardinia, Danilo Pisu, Margherita Riva, Silvia Serreli, Boubacar Sissoko, Makamba Sissoko, Siranding Mady Sissoko, Valentina Solinas, Francesco Squarotti, Desmond Sylvester, Tom Walker


- Scientific Conference (September 8-10):
In the frame of the XXXIII Italian Geographic Conference held at Padova (IT) from 8-10 September, the project Overlap has presented a panel with 2 different speeches. The Panel is been curated by:
Raffaele Cattedra (Geography - UNICA)
Gianluca Gaias (Geography - UNICA)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Cinzia Atzeni (Geography - UNICA)
Silvia Serreli (Landscape - UNISS)
Valentina Solinas (Dance Theater - Senza Confini Di Pelle)


- Dance Theater show (May 13)
174 Rivoluzioni Intorno al Sole is the dance theater show born after 3 year of research. The production history has engaged different subjects and different locations in Sardinia and Piedmont (Italy).

Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Choreography and Performer: Ivonne Bello, Claudia Adragna, Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Dramaturgy consultation: Valentina Piredda-Sardinia
Music: Lucio Dalla, Meredith Monk, Ryūichi Sakamoto, Subsonica
Collaboration: S'ala - Spazio Per Artist*, Meridiano Zero, S’arza Teatro



Project Planning, Organization, Administration, Coordination and Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas

Press office: Grazia Brundu





1. Workshop (April - September)

- Creative Residencie of Dance and Performing Art (April - June)
2 creatvie residencies of Dance and Performing art have been achieved in Spain (Tarragona - Espai en Movement and Barcellona - 360grados) and Italy (Lucca - Spam! Rete per le arti contemporanee). The residencies have produced the show named "BioRevolution".

state realizzate 2 residenze creative di Danza e Arti Performative una in Spagna tra Tarrogna (Espai en Movement) e Barcellona (360grados) , e una a Lucca (Spam! - Rete per le arti performative). Le residenze hanno prodotto lo spettacolo dal titolo "BioRevolution".

- Workshop (September 09 -13)
By the Asinara National Park, the work group have developped the project themes, coordinating the 2022 actions and achieving 4 multidisciplinary workshop. The work group was composed by:

Gabriele Bennati (Urban plan - UNISS)
Dario La Stella (Performing art - Senza Confini Di Pelle)
Valentina Piredda-Sardinia (Visual Art - Galleria CULT)
Thiébaut Rapp (Painting - Galleria CULT)
Silvia Sanna (Visual Art)
Silvia Serreli (Landscape - UNISS)
Siranding Mady Sissoko (Urban plan - UNISS)
Valentina Solinas (Dance theater - Senza Confini Di Pelle)


2. Performing, Exhibiting and Scientific Events (September - November)

- Video Projection (November 05)
The November 05 by the Fai site Saline Conti Vecchi at Assemini (CA) have been projected the five videos of the exhbition We All Are B.


- Visual and Performing art exhibition (July 12/November 20)
We All Are B is the visual and performing art exhibition of Overlap. The exhibition has an own conceptual independence that is fed by the achieved workshop results. The exhibition is been fully set by the Church of Cala Reale at the Asinara National Park and is been part set by the Fai site Saline Conti Vecchi at Assemini (CA).

Curatorship: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Curatorship consultation: Valentina Piredda-Sardinia
Work group opera: Claudia Adragna, Cinzia Atzeni, Ivonne Bello, Gabriele Bennati, Mamadou Barry, Raffaele Cattedra, Bakary Coulibaly, Bakary Dembele, Elisa Ferrari, Gianluca Gaias, Rosi Giua, Marco Iozzo, Erica Lucchi, Dario La Stella, Valentina Piredda-Sardinia, Danilo Pisu, Margherita Riva, Silvia Serreli, Boubacar Sissoko, Makamba Sissoko, Siranding Mady Sissoko, Valentina Solinas, Francesco Squarotti, Desmond Sylvester, Tom Walker

- Dance Theater show (May 13)
174 Rivoluzioni Intorno al Sole is the dance theater show born after 3 year of research. The production history has engaged different subjects and different locations in Spain and Italy. The show is been played by the Theater Astra in Sassari in the frame of Astrale festival.

Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Choreography and Performer: Ivonne Bello, Claudia Adragna, Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas
Dramaturgy consultation: Valentina Piredda-Sardinia
Music: Lucio Dalla, Meredith Monk, Ryūichi Sakamoto, Subsonica
Collaboration: S'ala - Spazio Per Artist*, Meridiano Zero, S’arza Teatro


Project Planning, Organization, Administration, Coordination and Direction: Dario La Stella, Valentina Solinas

Press office: Monica Demurtas, Marina Saraceno